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Michael Cepek, Life in Oil: Cofán Survival in the Petroleum Fields of Amazonia
Reviewer: Bret Gustafson

Aurélie Choné, Isabelle Hajek, and Philippe Hamman, eds., Rethinking Nature: Challenging Disciplinary Boundaries
Reviewer: Francesco Carpanini

Diana K. Davis, The Arid Lands: History, Power, Knowledge
Reviewer: Martin Kalb

Berhard Gissibl, The Nature of German Imperialism: Conservation and the Politics of Wildlife in Colonial East Africa
Reviewer: James Giblin

Sarah Ives, Steeped in Heritage: The Racial Politics of South African Rooibos Tea
Reviewer: Sarah Besky

José Martínez-Reyes, Moral Ecology of a Forest: The Nature Industry and Maya Post-Conservation
Reviewer: Patrick Gallagher

Dana E. Powell, Landscapes of Power: Politics of Energy in the Navajo Nation
Reviewer: Andrew Curley

Gleb Raygorodetsky, The Archipelago of Hope: Wisdom and Resilience from the Edge of Climate Change
Reviewer: Jen Gobby

Christopher Wright and Daniel Nyberg, Climate Change, Capitalism, and Corporations: Processes of Creative Self-Destruction
Reviewer: Ryan Anderson