
New Featured Article!: “From a Blind Spot to a Nexus”

The latest Environment and Society featured article is now available! This month’s article—”From a Blind Spot to a Nexus: Building on Existing Trends in Knowledge Production to Study the Copresence of Ecotourism and Extraction”—comes from Volume 3 (2012). In her article, Veronica Davidov investigates how instances of copresence between ecotourism and resource extraction are marginalized in literature about ecotourism and extraction, constituting a “blind spot” in academic literature.

Visit the featured article page to download your copy of the article today before it’s gone! A new article is featured every month.


Interview with Keely Maxwell, General Anthropologist for the EPA

This post is presented in this week’s series recognizing Earth Day, Saturday, April 22.

Keely Maxwell is an environmental anthropologist. She develops and applies interdisciplinary research to environmental problem solving. Keely has conducted research in the Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary, Peru, and now works on community resilience. She is a former American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) fellow, as well as a mom of two, and she works at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Disclaimer: Keely is talking purely in a personal capacity and not as a federal employee. She is expressing her personal opinion, not official EPA policy.